Member-only story
Are you a rock or feather?
Two things make life easier: having a good relationship with your intuition and not being afraid to change. -Yung Pueblo
Have you ever heard of the phrase light as a feather? I would like to feel that way. Unbound to my surroundings and moving along with little to no effort from the slightest wind. Life would be a lot simpler if I learned how to treat experiences in my life like a feather. Something that was nearly weightless and I didn’t try to hold onto for too long except for reflection. I can’t help but think how closely a vibrant life mirrors a feather. It is light and follows the way of nature, which is the law of acceptance and presence. So, why are so many of us behaving like we are rocks?
We sink ourselves with our choices and then complain when it takes more effort to get us moving. In the past, when I did not know any better, I allowed my experiences to harden me instead of shape me, make me more resistance to change instead of open to it, and I would sink myself with the negative story in my head every morning before I even got a chance to create something new. It truly was a miserable existence that I had attached myself to until I decided this would not be the story I left behind.
I decided I would try to do and be better. I decided I wanted joy in my life. I decided my life was mine and anyone who wanted to define it for me could…